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Residential Garage Door Openers

Garage door opener is a motorized device that automates the mechanism to control your garage door’s opening and closing with ease. It is a convenient feature that you can install at your place to control the functioning of your garage door without any effort. At Spark Garage Door Repair, we offer residential garage door opener installation and repair services as per your requirements.

LiftMaster 8165

LiftMaster 8165 is a basic contractor serious DC motor. This garage door opener is designed to last, Low maintenance and low cost. 1/2 HP motor combined with an industrial-strength chain drive

LiftMaster 8355W

LiftMaster 8355W is a belt drive opener, So it’s very quiet with minimum amount of vibration. Built-in Wi-Fi® allows for smartphone control with the myQ® app. 1/2 HP motor combined with an industrial-strength belt drive.

LiftMaster 8550W

LiftMaster 8355W is a belt drive opener, So it’s very quiet with minimum amount of vibration. Built-in Wi-Fi® allows for smartphone control with the myQ® app. Battery Backup allows you to open/close your door even when the power is out

LiftMaster WLED

LiftMaster 8355W is a belt drive opener, So it’s very quiet with minimum amount of vibration. Built-in Wi-Fi® allows for smartphone control with the myQ® app. The brightest opener featuring 3,100 lumens of Corner to Corner LED lighting™
LiftMaster 8500W
LiftMaster 8165 is a basic contractor serious DC motor. This garage door opener is designed to last, Low maintenance and low cost. 1/2 HP motor combined with an industrial-strength chain drive

Smart Garage Door Opener with Camera

Introducing the first video garage door opener with a built-in wide-angle HD camera–the LiftMaster DC Battery Backup Belt Drive Wi-Fi® Garage Door Opener with Integrated Camera


Garage door opener is a motorized device that automates the mechanism to control your garage door’s opening and closing with ease. It is a convenient feature that you can install at your place to control the functioning of your garage door without any effort. At Spark Garage Door Repair, we offer residential garage door opener installation and repair services as per your requirements.
If you are looking to install a garage door opener for your garage door, you need to decide on the features and functionality you are looking in your garage door opener. Depending on the mechanism, garage doors openers are categorized in four categories – Belt Drive, Chain Drive, Direct Drive, and Screw Drive. You can choose a garage door opener type as per your requirement and your door type. 

When you are choosing a garage door opener, you should also consider the following factors to best suit your needs:

• Garage Motor Horsepower
• Size
• Power Source
• Smart Functionality
• Safety
• Security

Depending on your requirements, we help you find the best garage door openers and install it with perfection for smooth operation. Liftmaster garage door openers are the best in the industry and you can easily find a model for your needs in your budget. You can also get a smart garage door opener with a built-in camera and Wi-Fi functionality.

Some of the most popular Liftmaster garage door openers for residential use are:

• LiftMaster 8165 Garage Door opener: Cost-effective, long-lasting, and low maintenance
• LiftMaster 8355W Garage Door Opener: Built-in Wi-Fi for smartphone control
• LiftMaster 8550W Garage Door Opener: Built-in Wi-Fi for smartphone control, battery backup
• LiftMaster WLED Garage Door Opener: Built-in Wi-Fi for smartphone control, LED lighting
• LiftMaster 8500W Garage Door Opener: Automatic Garage door lock, Built-in Wi-Fi for smartphone control

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